The Mwandama Producers and Marketing Cooperative Union is a community based cooperative in Mwandama, T/A Mlumbe in Zomba.
MWANDAMAMA COOPERATIVE has 8 primary cooperatives.
Mwandama Cooperatives grows Soya beans, Maize and Pigeon peas.
Mwandama is therefore seeking a grant to initiate value adding processing and farming equipment to increase crop production and initiate climate smart practices on member farms and entire community.
Nachikwangwala Cooperative is one of the 8 primary cooperatives under Mwandama Cooperative Union. Mwandama Cooperatives grow Soya beans, Maize and Pigeon peas.
Mwandama is therefore seeking a grant to initiate value adding processing and farming equipment to increase crop production and initiate climate smart practices on member farms and entire community. Through education, the positive results of this initiative will address the critical social and economic problems associated with low family farm income, and begin to address the positive influence agriculture can have on climate change.
The funding of this request will enable over 500 members of the cooperative including the youth to uplift their lives both economically and. The union will employ qualified professionals to carry out value addition processes, educational programs in crop science and environmental stewardship. The program will also make sure that the Union meet the demand from its customers and increase the capital base of its primary cooperatives and the youth in the community and contribute to sustainable development goals.
Chikasamaganga is among the 8 primary cooperatives. Mwandama Cooperatives grow Soya beans, Maize and Pigeon peas. Mwandama is therefore seeking a grant to initiate value adding processing and farming equipment to increase crop production and initiate climate smart practices on member farms and entire community.
Through education, the positive results of this initiative will address the critical social and economic problems associated with low family farm income, and begin to address the positive influence agriculture can have on climate change.
The funding of this request will enable over 500 members of the cooperative including the youth to uplift their lives both economically and. The union will employ qualified professionals to carry out value addition processes, educational programs in crop science and environmental stewardship. The program will also make sure that the Union meet the demand from its customers and increase the capital base of its primary cooperatives and the youth in the community and contribute to sustainable development goals.
Msamba is one of the 8 primary cooperatives under Mwandama Cooperative Union. Mwandama Cooperatives grows Soya beans, Maize and Pigeon peas.
Mwandama is therefore seeking a grant to initiate value adding processing and farming equipment to increase crop production and initiate climate smart practices on member farms and entire community. Through education, the positive results of this initiative will address the critical social and economic problems associated with low family farm income, and begin to address the positive influence agriculture can have on climate change.
The funding of this request will enable over 500 members of the cooperative including the youth to uplift their lives both economically and. The union will employ qualified professionals to carry out value addition processes, educational programs in crop science and environmental stewardship. The program will also make sure that the Union meet the demand from its customers and increase the capital base of its primary cooperatives and the youth in the community and contribute to sustainable development goals.
Mwandama cooperative union offers school feeding to primary schools around its area.
Primary Cooperatives' products are assembled for Marketing.
We plant trees to replensh them.